
Aura Vision was founded on the notion of protecting customer and employee privacy. That's why we build our products using a privacy-by-design approach — our unique insights are not only incredibly powerful, they're also 100% anonymous.

​​“Aura Vision's insights and analytics are anonymised data, do not constitute personal data under UK GDPR, and are created in line with regulatory guidance.”
— Taylor Vinters, January 2022

Aura Vision never stores or transmits personal data from video cameras. This allows Aura Vision to be deployed in public spaces and retail stores in any country, as it complies with the world's most stringent personal data regulations.Video is turned into anonymous count analytics by APUs on-premise and discarded immediately during normal operational. Only anonymous count analytics are then transferred to Aura Vision's cloud Insight Platform.


Because Aura Vision doesn't store or transmit personally identifiable information (PII) there is no need for customers or employees to sign-up to additional T&Cs or sign-in to a WiFi landing page. Instead, a small sign notifying customers about the purpose of collecting analytics at the entrance of the location is usually sufficient to comply with privacy regulations.


In 2018 the European Union adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which has since become the leading benchmark for privacy compliance worldwide. That's why we closely follow GDPR principles and a privacy-by-design approach to processing video and personal data. Aura Vision acts as a Processor with relation to GDPR standards.


Aura Vision is also compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which went into effect in 2020 to give consumers more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them.


Aura Vision incorporates face-blurring technology at source, to remove any identifiable information and meta data as soon as the video is processed. This ensures any images shared with our team of Computer Vision experts for training and auditing has already been anonymised and cleaned of any personal data.


Our APUs process all video on-device and only transfer anonymous count analytics to our cloud Insight Platform. This not only minimises upload bandwidth, but also prevents the transfer of any personal data during normal operation.


Aura Vision never collects sensitive types of personal data, classed as Special Categories of Personal Data under GDPR.


Heatmaps and camera thumbnails viewable on the Insight Platform dashboard are 'pre-cleaned' to remove any visible person before being uploaded.

The most detailed UK retail benchmarks

Grow your business with up-to-minute reports of regional traffic, purchasing and demographic trends.