
Top 3 things that make a traffic solution truly scalable

Post by
Ghita EL Haitmy
Top 3 things that make a traffic solution truly scalable

If you are currently considering a more scalable traffic solution, then here are three features to look for:

Integration with your existing infrastructure

If a solution needs a new system to be put in place and the mobilisation of multiple teams internally to get it working, your ROI will most likely be very low. Consider a solution that can fit with all resources you have in place. When buying new hardware, it's important to think about its characteristics like connectivity & internet bandwidth requirements and how much it may be expanded to meet future needs. The cost of deploying the traffic solution software will soar if you have to regularly upgrade your hardware to run the latest operating systems or applications.

Comparison between different locations and in-store zones

In order to identify trends and problems in the customer journey, it's essential to have multiple data points of variables in other locations and product zones. If the traffic solution doesn't offer this feature, you risk making decisions based on data that doesn't reflect the complete picture of the customer experience, and you won't be able to measure the results of your implemented actions.

Real-time data

A good traffic solution allows your teams to take a reactive and proactive approach when managing the store and the customer experience. For example, during the pandemic, Aura Vision clients had no issue reopening their stores while complying with government regulations as our tool communicates real-time occupancy in-store and per zone.

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